
Bahrain ?a key economic player?

Bahrain has emerged as a globally competitive economy, said American Chamber of Commerce in Bahrain president Adel Al Safar. He was speaking as an AmCham Bahrain delegation wrapped up a business development mission organised by the National US-Arab Chamber of Commerce (NUSACC) in Washington. The delegation took part in activities in support of US-Bahrain trade and investment and a reception hosted by Bahrains Ambassador to the US Huda Nonoo.

p>Bahrain has emerged as a globally competitive economy, said American Chamber of Commerce in Bahrain president Adel Al Safar. He was speaking as an AmCham Bahrain delegation wrapped up a business development mission organised by the National US-Arab Chamber of Commerce (NUSACC) in Washington. The delegation took part in activities in support of US-Bahrain trade and investment and a reception hosted by Bahrains Ambassador to the US Huda Nonoo.

"Bahrain is a land of opportunity and growth," said Mr Al Safar at a luncheon at the Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington.
"Bahrain has emerged as a globally competitive economy, shaped by government and driven by a pioneering private sector. Bahrain is channelling investment into tourism, business services, manufacturing and logistics." The high-level delegation took full advantage of two days of business networking events in Washington to explore potential joint ventures with US companies and to promote business through the US-Bahrain Free Trade Agreement (FTA).