
Business & Management

As Engineering Hub Leader, Saudi Arabia, Holland will be responsible for directing client projects and working with the local insurance and reinsurance markets. (Image source: Adobe stock)

Marsh, one of the leading insurance broker and risk advisor, has announced the launch of its Engineering Hub in Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia

The aim is to strengthen sustainability and drive economic and environmental benefits across Emicool facilities. (Image source: Emicool)

Emirates District Cooling (Emicool), a subsidiary of Dubai Investments PJSC and Siemens have announced a collaborative partnership to jointly develop various initiatives promoting energy saving measures and solutions 

The 5,000 sq m plant includes valve assembly, testing, painting, and servicing facilities. (Image source: Ampo Poyam Valves)

Ampo Poyam Valves has announced a partnership with Dar Massader Group to establish a joint local subsidiary known as ?Ampo Arabia?, together with launching a new manufacturing and servicing plant in Dammam 2nd Industrial City

Peter Herweck is the CEO of AVEVA. (Image source: AVEVA)

AVEVA, a specialist in industrial software, driving digital transformation and sustainability, has signed a partnership agreement with RIB Software (RIB), a specialist in digital technologies for construction, to enhance AVEVA?s Project Execution portfolio offering for process and plant industries

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