

The Metso Outotec stirred mills are suitable for a large range of product sizes. (Image source: Metso Outotec)

Metso Outotec has introduced its comprehensive portfolio featuring three frontrunning stirred milling solutions ? Vertimill, Stirred Media Detritor, and HIGmill

Replacing GEDs with solar energy in order to achieve economical and green power supply is becoming a reality. (Image source: Huawei)

Peng Jianhua, president of site power facility, Huawei Digital Power Technologies Co, has presented the complete series of off-grid solutions to phase out energy fuel, iPowerCube, at SNEC Shanghai Expo

GDI is heading to NEOM, Saudi Arabia to build one of the largest volumetric modular assembly plants in the world. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

Gulf Development International (GDI) has announced that it will build one of the largest volumetric modular assembly plants in NEOM, Saudi Arabia

Advanced web-capable HMI software now moves beyond basic visualisation by incorporating various IIoT functions. (Image source: Emerson)

Rich Carpenter and Silvia Gonzalez from Emerson explains why the inclusion of IoT functionality in machine designs should now be considered the norm

The US$1.3bn Jubail Island project is owned by JIIC and is developed and managed by LEAD. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

Jubail Island Investment Company has started the construction on the first phase of the development?s villas featuring varied modern and Mediterranean-inspired designs

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