
Event News

Powering Iraq aims to restore and rebuild Iraqs power demands. (Image source: Sheffield Tiger/Flickr)

Powering Iraq is set to take place in Baghdad from 10-11 July to focus on the development and investment opportunities in the country?s power and electricity sectors

Bocar BA, CEO and board member of SAMENA Council. (Image source: SAMENA Council)

The SAMENA Council?s Leaders? Summit 2019 highlighted the readiness of industry leaders for 5G and identifies collaboration as a necessity to ensure digital inclusion in the fourth industrial revolution

The company conducted workshops about Renault Trucks? transport solutions, addressing the topics of safety, fuel efficiency, after sales and financial services. (Image source: Renault Trucks)

The Renault Trucks Xperience Days, which took place in Bahrain from 8-12 April 2019, brought together an international audience of 450 participants from the truck industry, showcasng long-haul range including T series and construction ranges including K and C series

ITU secretary-general Houlin Zhao will highlight the importance of global collaboration for leveraging fifth-generation technologies. (Image source: SAMENA

SAMENA Telecommunications Council has announced that the secretary-general of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), Houlin Zhao, will attend the 2019 Leaders? Summit

SANS Riyadh 2019 will help cybersecurity professionals to protect and defend their organisations against ever-increasing cyber threats. (Image source: SANS Institute)

SANS Institute, a cybersecurity training provider, has announced the SANS Riyadh 2019 to help cybersecurity professionals in Saudi Arabia develop deep, hands-on skills through immersion-style training

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