
Oman?s largest waste and environmental exhibition

The Oman Waste and Environmental Services (OWES) Exhibition and Conference will be held at the Oman International Exhibition Centre from 23-25 May 2016

Touted to be the largest environmental event in the country, OWES will focus on waste management, sustainability and environment-related products, services and technology. It will bring together policy makers, domain experts, engineers, technology companies, scientists, researchers, students, entrepreneurs, equipment suppliers and other professionals on a single platform to discuss environmental challenges in Oman and explore plausible solutions. The event is supported by local and international organisations including Be?ah, Haya, PAEW and EcoMENA.

The event will include an exhibition, technical sessions, panel discussions, designed to address major environmental challenges in Oman. Topics on focus will be solid waste management, industrial waste management, sewage, air pollution, water pollution, ecological degradation, green buildings, climate change, environmental management and environmental awareness.

The event also aims to highlight the environmental impacts of refineries and petrochemical industries of the country and provide environmental compliance solutions for such facilities.

More than 100 top environmental specialists from around the world are expected to participate in the event.