

The installed capacity of onshore wind power of Borusan EnBW Enerji will increase to 646MW after the completion of both projects. (Image source: Florian Pircher/Pixabay)

Borusan EnBW Enerji, a joint venture between German firm EnBW and Turkish company Borusan, is set to add 210MW of output from wind energy in Turkey with the signing of turbine supply contracts

Easy UPS 3M offers competitive specifications to small and medium business that require lower capital investment. (Image source: Schneider Electric)

Schneider Electric has extended Easy UPS 3M from 60-200 kVA with the addition of 120, 160, and 200 kVA uninterruptable power supplies (UPSs)

Grundfos will conduct systems? certification and maintenance training for Ras Al Khaimah government?s building managers and supervisors. (Image source: RAK Municipality)

Ras Al Khaimah (RAK) Municipality has selected Danish water and climate solutions Grundfos to provide an audit of HVAC, irrigation, water supply and disinfection pumping systems across 50 buildings and operational facilities, including large-scale sewage plants

Empower CEO Ahmad Bin Shafar said the pipe network for providing district cooling services is expanding year after year. (Image source: Empower)

Emirates Central Cooling Systems Corporation (Empower) has awarded contracts worth US$8.98mn to expand its district cooling pipe network at Dubai Studio City

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