
ENEC applies for tenders to build nuclear reactors

The Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC) announced that it has applied for a construction licence to build two new nuclear reactors, Barak 3 and 4

ENEC said that the submission of the application to the UAE's Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation (FANR) is the culmination of 18 months of work between the firm and its prime contractor Korea Electric Power Company (KEPCO).

Barak 1 and 2 were approved in July 2012.

The four APR1400 units would be built in the Western Region of Abu Dhabi, with the first plant due to be completed by 2017.

Mohamed Al Hammadi, CEO of ENEC, said, ?This marks another important milestone in our programme as we work towards delivering safe, clean, reliable and efficient nuclear energy to the UAE.

?The team has worked diligently to deliver to our regulator a comprehensive, high quality application that draws from all of the experience we have gained ? through our reference plants in Korea, the lessons learned from Fukushima.?

ENEC said that the review process for its first two units included more than 1,800 requests for more information, as well as meetings and site visits.