
Power Generation

Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer, MD & CEO of DEWA, said:

Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) has decided to extend the final date of receiving bids for the Independent Power Project of Hassyan-1 till 12th December, 2011.

The 9FA Gas Turbines are equipped with GEs dry low NOx (DLN) combustion technology to support lower emissions at Giza North and Banha power plants.

GE has signed contracts totaling US$300mn to supply six gas turbines and associated services to the Egyptian Electricity Holding Company for two new combined-cycle power plants near Cairo that will support Egypts rapidly growing energy needs.

The first nuclear power plant in Saudi Arabia will be ready by 2020.

The first nuclear power plant in Saudi Arabia will be ready by 2020 but it will take longer to become fully operational and add capacity to the kingdoms over-stretched grid.

Iraq is still struggling to deal with shortages in electricity and the government has signed several large power plant deals recently.

Iraqs cabinet has approved projects to build two power stations in southern Iraq with investments of more than US$656mn.

Emirates NBD and HSBC have made a US$200mn stapled debt facility available to bidders interested in constructing a new power plant for DEWA

UAE banking group Emirates NBD and HSBC have made a US$200mn stapled debt facility available to bidders interested in constructing a new power plant for state utility Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA), an Emirates NBD statement said earlier this week.

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