
Alstom wins Saudi Electric contracts worth US$116 million

Alstom Grid has been awarded two contracts worth US$116mn by Saudi Electric Company (SEC) in Madinah, Saudi Arabia

In order to meet rapidly growing demand in Madinah, a new 380/110/13.8 kV bulk supply point (BSP) named Al-Salam BSP will be constructed by Alstom in the city along with associated 380 kV circuits.

The project will cover the interconnection between Al-Salam BSP and other 380 kV BSPs in the national grid network, including MDN (Medina North), PS2 (Pumping Station-2), YNB3 (Yanbu-3), MDS (Medina South) and MDE (Medina East).

Alstom, which currently has five reporting units, three operating sites and three sales offices in Saudi Arabia, is working on several turnkey projects in Saudi Arabia to increase the capacity and the efficiency of the electrical grid in the central part of the country.

This is the first 380 KV BSP contract to be awarded by SEC since 2007.