

Jordan?s share of electricity from renewables grew from almost zero in 2014 to around 20% in 2020. (Image source: IRENA)

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) has published a new report in which it has identified a series of policy measures that can help advance the energy transition towards renewable energy in Jordan

Indirect jobs relate to materials and services consumed, such as workers in steel plants supporting offshore wind turbines. (Image source: Matthias B?ckel/Pixabay)

Demand for offshore wind staff will triple by the end of the decade, surging to 868,000 full-time jobs from an estimated 297,000 in 2020, with the jobs demand reaching about 589,000 in 2025, according to a Rystad Energy analysis

The first V236-15.0 MW prototype is expected to be installed in 2022. (Image source: Vestas Wind Systems A/S)

Vestas has launched the V236-15.0 MW turbine to set a new industry benchmark and take the next step towards leadership in offshore wind

The grant is expected to provide AIE with operational tools to develop a pipeline of bankable energy efficiency investment projects. (Image source: Sebastian Ganso/Pixabay)

The African Development Bank?s (AfDB) Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA) is providing a US$965,000 grant to Morocco?s Soci?t? d?Ing?nierie Energ?tique (SIE), a move that is set to support its transition into the first Super Energy Service Company (ESCO) initiative in Africa

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