Vodafone Qatar posted first-quarter 2011 losses of US$33.59 million but they were less than a year ago as the number of mobile subscribers increased.
Yamamah stands ahead of its peers
Yamamah Cement Company (YSCC) published its Q2 2011 results recently.
Masdar Capital funds reach US$540mn
Masdar Capitals two major investment vehicles, Masdar Clean Tech Fund and DB Masdar Clean Tech Fund together have US$540 million under management.
Yanbu Cement Company publishes Q2 2011 results
Yanbu Cement Company?s (YCC) recently released Q2 results that showed YoY growth on all profit lines stood at around 30 per cent.
Egypt seeks US$3bn to finance budget deficit
Egypt is seeking to raise US$3 billion to finance its budget deficit for the 2011-12 financial year, its Finance Minister Samir Radwan said in Dubai.