

Fathi Abdullah Ba-Isa, Managing Director of UWC and Anas Abdul-Haiy, CEO and Deputy Director at Proven Consult. (Image source: Proven Consult)

Proven Consult, a leading automation technology firm in the GCC region, has announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with United Warehouse Co Ltd (UWC), a warehousing logistics service provider in Saudi Arabia, to help accelerate digital transformation in the logistics industry

As Engineering Hub Leader, Saudi Arabia, Holland will be responsible for directing client projects and working with the local insurance and reinsurance markets. (Image source: Adobe stock)

Marsh, one of the leading insurance broker and risk advisor, has announced the launch of its Engineering Hub in Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia

The aim is to strengthen sustainability and drive economic and environmental benefits across Emicool facilities. (Image source: Emicool)

Emirates District Cooling (Emicool), a subsidiary of Dubai Investments PJSC and Siemens have announced a collaborative partnership to jointly develop various initiatives promoting energy saving measures and solutions 

The 5,000 sq m plant includes valve assembly, testing, painting, and servicing facilities. (Image source: Ampo Poyam Valves)

Ampo Poyam Valves has announced a partnership with Dar Massader Group to establish a joint local subsidiary known as ?Ampo Arabia?, together with launching a new manufacturing and servicing plant in Dammam 2nd Industrial City

Peter Herweck is the CEO of AVEVA. (Image source: AVEVA)

AVEVA, a specialist in industrial software, driving digital transformation and sustainability, has signed a partnership agreement with RIB Software (RIB), a specialist in digital technologies for construction, to enhance AVEVA?s Project Execution portfolio offering for process and plant industries

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