

The innovative system has helped reduce chilled water network losses by almost 70%. (Image Source: Emicool)

Emirates District Cooling Company (EMICOOL) and Actis has become the first district cooling service provider to use a real-time leak detection system using the distributed temperature sensing (DTS) technology

The project includes designing and constructing an intake well to collect water from the Yamuna River. (Image source: Bentley)

Organisations worldwide are helping to solve water scarcity, but more has to be done to meet the UN?s sustainability goals

The company also engaged in more than 40 community initiatives at both local and regional levels as part of its seventh pillar of supporting communities. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

Dubai Investments, the leading diversified investment company listed on the Dubai Financial Market (DFM) has published its 2021 Sustainability Report highlighting water use efficiency with 44% recycled and reused, reiterating the Company?s proactive steps towards reducing water footprint

Water is at the core of sustainable development and it is critical for socio-economic improvement and healthy ecosystems. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

Bluewater Bio, recognised as the fastest-growing UK and European water solutions provider, has been awarded the Queen?s Award for Enterprise for International Trade

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