
MOTORTECH launches new product guide

The new Product Guide is available online. (Image source: MOTORTECH)

MOTORTECH GmbH presents its wide range of accessories and spare parts for ignition control and monitoring of stationary gas engines

On nearly 250 pages, the new issue offers the most important information on more than 1,000 products in the field?s ignition, industrial spark plugs, gas engine management, wiring systems, gas regulation and engine accessories.

With the MOTORTECH ALL-IN-ONE.GAS Firmware 1.5, the industrial control system for gas generators fulfils all the requirements that operators will have to meet with the new VDE-AR-N 4110 from June 2020.

MOTORTECH GmbH is an international developer and manufacturer of ignition components, gas regulation and engine management systems as well as other accessories for the worldwide energy generation industry with stationary gas engines.

The new Product Guide is available online at www.motortech.de