
MB Crusher recycles inert waste for profitability

AGCC started crushing the excavated products they used to dump and pay landfill charges for. (Image source: MB Crusher)

Crushing and recycling has become a major aspect of road construction operations and the need to make the most of all available material has prompted astute operators to use the waste material ? which once was simply piled up, thrown away or disposed of

It is important to find new solutions to recycle inert waste at low cost, according to MB Crusher, a provider of crusher buckets.

An MB Crusher customer from Lebanon stated that all extracted material can be processed by MB Crusher equipment to make it reusable directly on-site or sold for other applications. He added that production precision allows processing of materials that were previously intended solely for disposal.

Abdallah of Abdallah General Contracting Company (AGCC) from Lebanon, involved in excavation and asphalt paving, said, ?We chose an MB Crusher Bucket for this reason. The MB Bucket crusher was the solution for reducing costs and speed up work.?

He further added that the crusher bucket crushes the material directly on site and allows the product that requires crushing to be collected by placing it in a mound on the truck or on the site to be filled in, thus accelerating operations.

?We saw the MB units in 2012 and we were very impressed. They got my attention, a smart innovation with lots of benefits. That is why we decided to buy one unit from MB local dealer and install it on our Volvo excavator,? he explained.

Instead of buying the base course from suppliers, AGCC started crushing the excavated products they used to dump and pay landfill charges for and started using the outputs in asphalt and road construction projects.

By turning waste into profits and doing the entire process itself, AGCC also began selling crushed materials to other contractors.

?A problem free machine, six working years with no downtime!? he remarked.

The 3.5-tonne BF90.3 bucket crusher crushes more than 180cbm of materials per day, six days per week filling on average five to six trucks per day. AGCC is using five bars on the MB crusher to get the ideal particles size to be used as first and second base course layers.

?I can say that I am really satisfied with the product and that I am considering upgrading to a new bigger bucket crusher,? he concluded.