
Qatar Petroleum completes vital phase of Sealine road project

The engineering department of Qatar Petroleum (QP) and Mesaieed Industrial City (MIC), a directorate of QP, has completed a vital phase of the Sealine road expansion and modification project

The completed project will provide a major boost to traffic on the only road to the Sealine Beach Resort in Qatar.

The work, which began on 24 July 2011 and covered approximately 10 km of the project's 15-km length, was completed ahead of schedule.

The completed phase included the construction of three new roundabouts, modifications to one existing roundabout, the installation of lighting at the roundabouts and the installation of crash barriers in the central median.

It also involved installing traffic signs and road markings, utility services and surface water drainage, as well as the improvement of existing unpaved shoulders for emergency purposes.

The completed phase marked the expansion of the 15km Sealine Road, from a two-lane carriageway to a divided dual carriageway with two lanes in each direction between the cloverleaf interchange and the Sealine Resort roundabout.

It has been hoped that the improvements to the road would greatly decrease the number of vehicular accidents due to overtaking and speeding on the busy route.

The next phase of the project, the construction of a 1.4km road leading to the Sealine Beach Resort, has been scheduled for completion by October 2012.