
Global participants join Renault Trucks Xperience Days in Bahrain

The company conducted workshops about Renault Trucks? transport solutions, addressing the topics of safety, fuel efficiency, after sales and financial services. (Image source: Renault Trucks)

The Renault Trucks Xperience Days, which took place in Bahrain from 8-12 April 2019, brought together an international audience of 450 participants from the truck industry, showcasng long-haul range including T series and construction ranges including K and C series

The participants gathered from across the globe including 80 from the Middle East, and 100 from Africa, Turkey and Algeria. A number of 60 customers from Saudi Arabia joined the event on a day dedicated to clients from the kingdom.

In addition, the company conducted workshops about Renault Trucks? transport solutions, addressing the topics of safety, fuel efficiency, after sales and financial services.

Interactive discussions with Renault Trucks team of experts and guests examined smart transportation solutions, increasing profitability for customers by optimising total cost of ownership, allowing Renault Trucks and customers to share opinions and expertise simultaneously.

The participants enjoyed a driving adventure experience. Alongside a professional driver, guests had a challenging Land Rover Experience and took on the role of co-pilot on the race circuit in a Renault Clio Sport.

Bruno Blin, president of Renault Trucks, said that in 2018, the company marked the fourth consecutive year of sales growth with a 10 per cent year on year increase. According to Blin, some of the factors for this success include a close relationship with customers and the company?s efforts to adhere to the customer requirements.