
Masdar Institute to showcase sustainable innovation at WFES 2012

Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, an independent, research-driven graduate-level university, has announced that its top officials, the faculty and research students will showcase its contribution to sustainable innovation at various workshops and seminars during the World Future Energy Summit (WFES) 2012.

Organized under the patronage of His Highness General Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, and hosted by Masdar, Abu Dhabi's multi-faceted renewable energy company, the fifth edition of WFES will be held from 16-19 January at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre (ADNEC).

The event will gather the world's most influential leaders in renewable energy, including heads of state, policy makers, government officials, business leaders, and academics to discuss, promote and debate the challenges and solutions to the world's energy requirements.

Masdar Institute serves as an academic magnet to attract scientists, researchers, and technology businesses to build the science and technology cluster that will be a source of innovation and human capital in sustainable technology. As a research-driven institution that has consistently registered several milestones since its inception, Masdar Institute will mark its participation through actively driving discussions at the workshops, training sessions, seminars and panel discussions.

Dr Fred Moavenzadeh, President of Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, will lead a panel discussion titled ?Building a robust R&D Infrastructure in Abu Dhabi? on Day Two. Experts from academia, industry and government will discuss the role that each sector should play in developing such infrastructure to facilitate the UAE?s economic transformation, as well as the steps the country needs to implement to bring in innovation in this area.

The first day of the event will witness Dr. Toufic Mezher, Professor - Engineering Systems and Management, addressing on ?Innovation and Technology: The use of Renewable Energy Scenarios for Decision Making?.

Among the round-table discussions on the first day, Dr. Mahieddine Emziane, Associate Professor at Masdar Institute, will speak on ?Solar Energy for the Built Environment in GCC: Challenges & Opportunities?, while Prof Adel Gougam, Assistant Professor - Material Science & Engineering, will speak on ?Photovoltaic Technologies for UAE and GCC - is Si Based Technology Viable? Technology Perspective? on the second day.

Some of the key presentations that will be offered by Masdar Institute faculty will include a session on ?Masdar Institute?s Role in Shaping the Future Energy Landscape? by Dr Steve Griffiths on Day Two. A session on ?Electron Microscopes at Masdar Institute? will be offered by Amal Al Ghaferi, Assistant Professor, Materials Science and Engineering, on the same day.

Dr. Nikolaos Koukouzas, Deputy Director of Centre for Research and Technology Hellas/ Institute for Solid Fuels Technology and Applications(CERTH/ISFTA), Greece, will lead a session titled ?Communication Assisted Electrical Micro grids and Smart grids adapted to highly Distributed Renewable Energy Sources? on 18 January, while Fonkwe Fongang Edwin, Electrical Power Engineering - Research Assistant at Masdar Institute, will drive discussions on ?Design and Implementation of a Single Phase Grid-Interactive Module Integrated Converter with Maximum Power Point Tracking? on 19 January. A special session on ?Scholarship Opportunities? at Masdar Institute to be presented by Reem Orfali, Student Enrolment Manager, is scheduled for the closing day.

Additionally, Kenan Jijakli, research assistant at Masdar Institute, and Shamma Al Jaberi, Master?s student, will introduce the panel of speakers for a session titled ?Human Capital Needs of the Renewable and Advanced Energy Industry: Where do Opportunities Exist?. The students will also lead the Careers Seminar at Masdar Theater and a networking reception.

On 15 January, Dr. Steve Griffiths, Executive Director of Institute Initiatives and Professor of Chemical Engineering at Masdar Institute, will lead a workshop on Solar PV that is titled ?Striving for Grid Parity ? the Importance of R&D in a fast evolving industry?. The workshop is being organized at Masdar Institute in collaboration with First Solar, leaders in the manufacture of PV solar modules and a premier provider of comprehensive PV solar systems.

Dr Fred Moavenzadeh, President of Masdar Institute, said: ?The World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi is one of the world?s leading events in clean energy and future technology that gathers top global leaders for intense discussions on this emerging industry. As an academic institution that is focused on research in advanced energy and sustainable technology, Masdar Institute will enthusiastically participate and actively lead debates at various sessions.

?The fifth edition of WFES, themed ?Powering Sustainable Innovation?, is even more significant as the topic has enormous relevance to Masdar Institute. With our expert faculty members and research students, our participation will reflect the extent of our involvement in sustainable innovation. We are confident the wider community will acknowledge the key role played by Masdar Institute in making clean energy solutions accessible to all and we thank the country?s leadership for making these achievements possible.?
