
OMICRON holds CEPED for the first time in Middle East

OMICRON experts were available on the ground to share their knowledge and address any questions regarding the displayed products. (Image source: OMICRON)

OMICRON hosted Conference on Electrical Power Equipment Diagnostics (CEPED) event for the first time in the Middle East at the Al Murooj Rotana Hotel in Dubai from 19-21 September

This event is well-established in the Asia Pacific region, having run annually for a number of years. The conference in Dubai was held over two and a half days and included an extensive range of topics.

The conference programme included in-depth technical discussions and presentations of real case studies related to power transformers, instrument transformers, rotating machines, circuit breakers, GIS and high-voltage cables.

In addition to the presentations, OMICRON provided a small exhibition/house fair for the attendees, showcasing OMICRON testing solutions based on the various assets discussed during the conference. Throughout the conference, OMICRON experts were available to share their knowledge and address any questions regarding the displayed products. This was very well-received by participants, according to the company.

As a largely non-commercial event, OMICRON?s aim was to share knowledge and discuss topical issues in the industry. This was enhanced through the inclusion of international speakers on different topics including Machinenfabrik Reinhausen (MR), Abu Dhabi; Alfanar, Saudi Arabia; CITRA, Indonesia; TJH2b, UK; and Saudi Electricity Company (SEC).

The conference started with an official opening by Ahmed El-Hamaky ? OMICRON?s regional sales manager, Middle East-South Asia, followed by the keynote speech of Mahmoud Mouslam Al-Huwaiti, executive director at SEC ? National Grid and the welcome address by CEPED chairman Michael Kr?ger.

Attendees represented major utilities and service providers like Dubai Electricity & Water Authority (DEWA), Aggreko Middle East, SEC-National Grid, Citadel Engineering, Arfa Iron & Steel Company, and many more. Participants came from eleven different countries including Saudi Arabia, UAE, Iran, Iraq and Pakistan.