
Brady?s guide book helps in choosing ideal label for identification needs

The guide book presents solutions that enable companies to design and print their own identification labels. (Image source: Brady)

Brady Corporation has provided durable identification labels guide book to support industries in choosing ideal label for their identification needs, thus enabling more workplace safety, better troubleshooting, complete traceability and other identification advantages

Durable label constructions and identification solutions aim to resist extreme temperatures, chemicals, pressure or friction in challenging applications and environments.

For every identification challenge, even in the most complex industrial environments, specific identification labels have been designed aiming to durably identify cables, components, parts, products and facilities. One label will be the ideal solution for any specific need. The main challenge is selecting the right label for specific applications in specific contexts.

The right label for the application will stay attached and remain legible longer while the wrong label may shrink, fall off or become illegible after a few days or even in mere minutes, said Brady.

?Even complex surfaces in challenging industrial environments can be durably identified with a professional identification label. We use material science, expertise and worldwide experience in a great number of industries to develop identification labels that stick on clean, rough, oily and powdered surfaces, and that remain legible when exposed to extreme temperatures, chemicals, abrasion and pressure,? the company noted.

According to Brady, durable identification labels can be of great importance for traceability, troubleshooting and safety purposes in a wide range of industries:


? Trace part history, lifespan and supplier

? Fully comply with customer requirements

? Intercept counterfeit parts


? Mark parts or cables for upcoming maintenance

? Get insight into how an installation works

? Easily refer to specific components and parts


? Warn employees and contractors for any danger

? Communicate proper safety precautions

? Prohibit the use of certain tools or devices

Brady said that the available customisable label components include label materials, adhesives, topcoats, laminates, sizes, colours, shapes, layouts and pre-prints.

The right label for the application also enables the customer to save time and money and avoid workplace accidents. Download the durable labelling guide book