
ISF to award grant to social pioneers during COVID-19

Internet Society Foundation awards grants in partnership with other changemakers. (Image source: Institute of Making/Flickr)

The Internet Society Foundation (ISF) has announced an emergency response grant programme for organisations that use the internet to improve the lives of others during an emergency

This year, the focus will be on COVID-19, and the foundation will accept applications from those few, who are actively engaged in carrying out relief programmes, that respond to the pandemic, either in its aftermath, or when it is unfolding.

An amount of US$250,000 to US$500,000 will be awarded to projects which last up to 12 months. Applications for the grant programme will be open between 5 and 17 May and winners will be announced on 27 May.

The Foundation is committed to working with organisations that use internet-based technical solutions and apply them to COVID-19 response programmes, or those who are moving away from their regular activities, to create new projects or technical solutions that address the pandemic.

Some examples considered suitable for funding, include apps that accelerate and coordinate humanitarian responses, services that promote and enable distance learning for students, or platforms that offer pathways to alternate livelihoods, and indexes that demonstrate urban or rural pandemic preparedness.

?We have come to realise the importance of Internet during this uncertain time. It serves as an important tool for children to learn from; to keep families and friends connected; as well as circulating vital information concerning public health,? said Sarah Armstrong, executive director, Internet Society Foundation.

?We are launching this programme, as we believe access to the Internet can create healthier and safer communities, reduce vulnerabilities and help build the resilience that the communities need to sail through this rough phase and become better prepared for the future,? she added.

Established last year, Internet Society Foundation awards grants, in partnership with other change makers, to Internet Society Chapters as well as non-profit organizations that work towards the betterment of society.