
Karadeniz plans to expand in MENA

The powerships aim to serve developing countries with inadequate onshore infrastructure to cover shortfalls in electricity supply. (Image source: Karadeniz Holding)

Turkish ship builder Karadeniz Holding has revealed plans to expand in the MENA region with its decision to supply its next electricity-generating vessel to a Middle Eastern or African nation

Karadeniz Holding chief executive Orhan Karadeniz said that the company will also be looking at US and British markets.

Karadeniz, builder of floating power stations, has been producing electricity for Iraq and Lebanon. The company claimed that its powerships aim to serve mainly developing countries with inadequate onshore infrastructure to cover shortfalls in electricity supply.

The next ship, expected to be completed in six months, will be delivered to a country in the Middle East or North Africa, Orhan Karadeniz said after the ceremonial launch of the company?s latest ship in the town of Tuzla, south of Istanbul.

The chief executive said, ?Britain is among the target countries for 2016, amid concerns there that the closure of coal-fired plants could leave it without enough power. There could be a seasonal or periodic need for power ships in places like New York.?

The Istanbul-based company has also been looking at affluent countries in South America that have a manufacturing or mining-base that require excessive power.