
The Sandvik rebuild facility in Harare ensures support throughout equipment life cycles. (Image Source: Sandvik)

Sandvik Mining & Rock Solutions? Harare-based operation remains at full capacity and at the leading edge of industry innovation

Omega Crushing and Screening machines have the ability to start the crushing chamber while the material is inside. (Image source: Omega Crushing and Screening)

Anthony Carlin of Omega Crushing and Screening discusses the unique design and quality of machinery developed by the company

The TailingsPulse multi-method monitoring solution provides a range of integratable data, including real-time monitoring, to facilitate the safe and responsible management of tailings storage facilities. (Image source: CGG)

CGG has launched TailingsPulse, a smart mine monitoring solution for improving the management and safety of tailings storage facilities (TSFs)

The new plant will enable Muadinoon to produce 0-600 micron silica sand (frac sand) at a rate of 75tph. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

Saudi Arabia?s Muadinoon Mining Company has committed to significantly enhancing its product offering through an investment in wet processing technology from industry leaders CDE

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