
Bluewater highlights water treatment upgrade at site visit in Bahrain

Bluewater Bio has entered a one-year operation and maintenance contract at Tubli WPCC. (Image source: Tubli Project)

Provider of water and wastewater treatment technologies, Bluewater Bio International, hosted a site visit to Tubli Water Pollution Control Centre (WPCC) in Bahrain

The visit was organised to celebrate the performance testing of its HYBrid ACtivated Sludge (HYBACS?) wastewater treatment upgrade.

Welcoming 35 guests from countries such as Australia, Canada, China and South Africa, Daniel Ishag, founder and CEO of Bluewater Bio, said,  ?Bluewater Bio is immensely proud to have been selected by the Bahraini Ministry of Works for their US$21.2mn wastewater upgrade at Tubli. Thank you to our Ministry clients and also to our champions within the UK government who helped us build the necessary relationships across the Bahraini government.?

During the visit, Bluewater Bio?s project manager, Bashar Muhtadi, presented the challenges that dictated the upgrade in sewage treatment capacity, while technical director, Dr. Jeremy Biddle, outlined the HYBACS plant?s performance. The visit also included a timed demonstration to illustrate the sludge settling of effluent from the two HYBACS lanes, compared with effluent from the eight lanes not yet upgraded.

Jeremy added, ?During commissioning in September and October, the HYBACS plant at Tubli treated 20 per cent more flow than its design average and nitrified fully, whilst demonstrating substantial power savings of up to 40 per cent. Our upgrade has subsequently passed performance testing with no failures."

Since the conclusion of the performance testing on 6 January, 2014, Bluewater Bio has entered a one-year operation and maintenance contract at Tubli WPCC.