
John Robertson is Nucore Group?s international business manager in Dubai

John Robertson joined Nucore Group earlier this month from Draeger Safety where he held the head of sales position for the Middle East and Africa, based in Dubai. (Image source: Nucore Group)

Aberdeen-based Nucore Group has appointed John Robertson as an international business development manager based in Dubai, where he will be responsible for expanding Nucore group?s business in the Middle East and establishing local representations

Nucore Group is a conglomerate of Oteac Limited and HVAC and Refrigeration Engineering Limited (HVAC and R).

While Oteac is a provider of integrated fire and safety products along with maintenance and testing services, HVAC and R supports the offshore oil and gas, onshore petrochemical and marine industries and various private and public sector clients with a range of HVAC equipment and services.

With more than 40 years of experience in fire safety and security for both onshore and offshore industries and working internationally for more than 20 years in Singapore, the US, Qatar and Dubai, Robertson will focus to bring the full potential of HVAC, fire safety and security services to the Middle East market in his new role in Nucore Group.

?Robertson brings great capability and local knowledge of the region to the business which I am confident will be a great asset to our success in the Middle East,? said Graham Thomson, CEO at Nucore Group.

Commenting on his appointment Robertson said that he was looking forward to relishing the challenge of enhancing the Middle East operations of the company.

With an aim to expand its global business portfolio, Nucore Group focuses on a phased approach to bring its services in the Middle East and eventually establishing its own facility and warehouse in the region.

?We are starting from a blank canvas and there are great opportunities ahead, which are very exciting. I have lived and worked in Dubai for 13 years of my career so I am looking forward to adding value to the team and business through my extensive knowledge of the local market,? commented Robertson.