Smart Automation Energy (SmartAE), the UAE-based energy efficiency company, has signed an energy performance contract for Burj Al Muhaned Energy Efficiency Retrofit Project
IRENA: Renewables as low-cost solution to boost global climate action

Electrification on the basis of cost-competitive renewables is the backbone of the energy transformation and a key low-cost decarbonisation solution in support of the climate goals set out in the Paris Agreement. (Image source: IRENA)
Renewable power is the cheapest source of electricity in many parts of the world, according to a report from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
Eurovent Certification introduces high ambient conditions to VRF certification programme

With its more than 25 years of expertise in the field of HVAC, ECC is setting standards in performance certification across over 40 programmes and with more than 400 certified manufacturers. (Image source: ECC)
Eurovent Certita Certification (ECC) has adopted the addition of high ambient temperature conditions to its certification programme for variable refrigerant flow systems
Layer Electronics continues Middle East expansion
The Aton storage converter is set to work as a grid-connected inverter from a storage system. (Image source: Layer Electronics)
The managing director of Layer Electronics s.r.l., Antonino Culcasi discusses with Technical Review Middle East about the company?s latest products and its future strategies for the Middle East region
?Technology progress failing to keep pace with long-term energy goals?

Fossil fuels still account for a large proportion of heating, which contributed to a further increase in emissions from the building sector in 2018. (Image source: Daniel Lerps/Flickr)
The vast majority of technologies and sectors are not keeping pace with long-term goals of the clean energy transitions