
Are you drowning in system notifications?

HMS Networks Argos allows you to set up multi-level conditional alarms, combine trigger levels that are linked together. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

Is your mailbox full? Does your phone ring all the time? Do you want to get notified when the generator starts without you knowing, when the fuel level goes below a certain level, when the fuel tank has been refilled, and when the generator stops working?

Notifications are important to make sure that operations are moving in the way they should.

However, notifications are not all equal! In many applications generated notifications cause a domino effect from other events and do not need to be sent since they dilute the root cause. What notifications are important changes based on different circumstances. Getting all the possible notifications all the time can lead to numbness that can delay action or perhaps miss the important event all together. A major challenge is to decide what is important and when.


HMS Networks Argos allows you to set up multi-level conditional alarms, combine trigger levels that are linked together. For example, notify me only if the generator is running AND the fuel level is low, if a generator is running this could be a normal state. Or perhaps, you want to set up Notify me only if the generator is not running AND the fuel level is going down.

The power to setup multi-conditional alarms gives you the ability to monitor what is really important and the action that needs to be taken. In the first example, you know to send more fuel before it runs out and in the second example the fuel tank is leaking, or someone is stealing the fuel.  In combination with alarm severity levels, classifications and time scheduler, notification control is the answer for an optimised and efficient business.