
Continuous power supply by HIMOINSA in Algeria hotel

Himoinsa generators at Hotel Argelia in Algeria. (Image source: Himoinsa)

HIMOINSA has developed a complex triple switching system that connects three power supply networks to provide continuous emergency power to hotel resorts in Algeria

Algeria has been at the forefront of providing a new development plan for infrastructure services, particularly in its valuable and growing service and commercial sectors. Because of this, HIMOINSA has been selected to provide emergency power for two large hotel complexes, belonging to the AZHotels chain, which will open in 2017 in Kharouba and Mostaganem respectively.

Four of HIMOINSA?s HDW-750 T5 generator sets will work in parallel to guarantee the electricity supply in the hotel. One of these will also provide power for the hotel?s water park.

The complexity of the project was increased by the hotels being connected to three different electricity supply networks. Therefore, a switching cabinet had to be used for triple switching operations over the three different networks.

HIMOINSA have explained, ?If one, two or all three should fail at the same time, the four generator sets will switch on in synchronised mode and start running in parallel. If only one of the networks fails, the two generators with the least operating hours will be switched on. If the power supply failure occurs in more than one network, the four generator sets will continue working, totalling 3MW of power until the electricity supply is re-established.?

?We chose HIMOINSA for this project due to our previous experience with the company. We have already worked with HIMOINSA on four hotels in Algeria, with very satisfactory results. This led us to contact them directly for the solution to the rest of the projects,? said Enric Garc?a, technical manager of Indeco Global, the company in-charge of the project.