
ENEC achieves major progress in construction of Barakah Nuclear Energy Plant

Celebrating the substantial completion of the Brakah Nuclear Energy Plant concrete works. (Image source: ENEC)

The Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC) has completed all main concrete works and heavy equipment lifting for the four nuclear reactor units of the Barakah Nuclear Energy Plant, being built in the Al Dhafra Region of Abu Dhabi

The completion of main concrete works and heavy equipment lifting at the Barakah plant is a significant milestone in the development of the UAE Peaceful Nuclear Energy Program and the delivery of clean and reliable electricity to the UAE grid. Construction of the Barakah plant began in July 2012 and the overall construction progress for the four Units is now more than 90 per cent.

?These achievements highlight the significant progress being made at the Barakah plant and mark the beginning of the end of construction activities as the final units of the plant transition to the testing and commissioning phase,? said Mohamed Al Hammadi, CEO of ENEC.

During this period, more than 2.3mn cu/m of concrete was poured and approximately 250,000 mt of reinforcing steel was installed by construction crews, setting an international construction performance record. The last major structural concrete pour at the Barakah plant was Fuel Handling Area Roof of Unit 4, the final unit of the Barakah plant.

Other recent milestones completed safely and successfully include Unit 2 Cold Hydrostatic Testing (CHT) and Hot Functional Testing, the completion of Unit 4?s Reactor Containment Building (RCB) dome and Reactor Coolant Loop (RCL) pipe welding, and the completion of all major construction work on Unit 3?s Turbine Generator and Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) Internals.

ENEC is responsible for one of the world?s largest new nuclear construction sites, with four Units under development simultaneously. The construction of Unit 1 was completed earlier this year, in accordance with the highest global standards of quality and safety. As of the end of September 2018, Unit 2 construction completion percentage is now more than 94 per cent, Unit 3 is more than 86 per cent and Unit 4 is more than 77 per cent.

Once completed, all four units are set to deliver clean, reliable and efficient electricity to the UAE grid, and prevent the release of more than 21 million tons of greenhouse gas emission every year.