
ENEC announces formation of Nawah Energy Company

Yukiya Amano, director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency visited the Barakah units in 2013. (Image source: Public Domain)

The Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC) announced today the initiation of the formation of its operating subsidiary, Nawah Energy Company (Nawah)

Nawah has been mandated to safely operate and maintain Units 1 to 4 in Barakah in adherence to the highest standards of safety, security, quality, and to the UAE?s commitment of operational transparency.

The board of directors of Nawah will govern the performance of Nawah Energy Company, ensuring that the company?s senior leadership team is accountable for the safe, quality-driven and reliable operations of the power plants.

?The launch of ENEC?s nuclear operating subsidiary is a significant milestone for the UAE peaceful nuclear energy program,? said His Excellency Khaldoon Khalifa Al Mubarak, chairman of the board of directors of ENEC. ?As a world-class nuclear company, Nawah will safely operate the Units 1 to 4 in Barakah; this enables a higher level of focus in our work and an increased momentum towards the safe and quality-driven construction, commissioning and operations of the four Units in Barakah,? he continued.

"ENEC will focus on the strategic growth of the nuclear industry across the UAE, its responsibilities as project owner of Barakah and shareholder of Nawah, as well as the safe and quality-driven delivery and commissioning of the Barakah project," said H.E. Eng. Mohamed Al Hammadi, ENEC CEO.

The board of directors appointed H.E. Eng. Mohammed Sahoo AlSuwaidi as the Acting CEO. Under the direction of the board of directors of Nawah, H.E. Eng. Mohammed Sahoo AlSuwaidi will be responsible for driving the company?s executive strategy and the development of UAE Nationals, ensuring that the management, operations, and maintenance of Barakah Units 1 to 4 are conducted in adherence to the highest standards of safety, security, quality, and to the UAE?s commitment of operational transparency.

Nawah will be responsible to continue the process to obtain the approval of the Operating Licenses from the Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation (FANR) to operate Units 1 to 4 in Barakah.