
Hitachi ABB Power Grids to support grid expansion and rural development in Egypt

The project will provide more power for rural development and meet the demands of the rapidly increasing population. (Image source: Shutterstock)

Hitachi ABB Power Grids will provide state-owned Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company (EETC) with high-performance grid stabilisation technology to help  improve power quality and expand transmission capacity in the Owainat development area in southwest Egypt

The contract was signed in the presence of the Egyptian minister of electricity and renewable energy, Dr Mohamed Shaker.

The project will provide EETC with a fully engineered solution based on a 200- megavolt ampere (MVAR) STATCOM, which will be connected to the existing 220  kilovolt (kV) Owainat Substation, thus enabling grid expansion.

The project will provide more power for rural development and meet the demands  of the rapidly increasing population.

Hitachi ABB Power Grids? technology and engineering capabilities will also help the  country reclaim untapped land in the vast Western Desert, where projects are  underway to sustainably improve the social and economic conditions of Egyptian  communities. 

?Hitachi ABB Power Grids is proud to support EETC in this strategic project, and to  help drive efforts to meet Egypt?s 2030 vision of integrated, sustainable growth  with a focus on the energy industry,? said Mohamed Hosseiny, country managing  director, Egypt & North Africa, Hitachi ABB Power Grids. ?With our solutions we  are helping our customers transition towards a carbon-neutral energy system,? he  added.

?We are pleased to collaborate with Hitachi ABB Power Grids as we believe they  have the required expertise and capability to execute this project efficiently, and  look forward to partnering on future projects,? said Sabah Mashaly, chairman of  Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company.

Grid expansion and reliability are prerequisites for the government?s plan to make  the country a regional hub for electricity exchange with Africa and Europe,  and supporting the UN's Sustainable Development Goal 7, which ensures that all  people have access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy. 

The Hitachi ABB Power Grids?s solution is Egypt?s first fully engineered power quality system, which comprises an integrated SVC Light static compensator, power transformers, control, protection and telecommunications system. The solution will increase the grid?s power transfer capability by improving voltage stability and provide a smooth voltage profile under different network conditions.