
Kuwait development plan 'on target'

A senior Kuwait government official has said that the quarterly report over its development plan would be referred to the cabinet in its next meeting ahead of preparing the bi-annual report next October.

"The development plan is on track since it was approved by the parliament," deputy premier for economic affairs, Sheikh Ahmad Fahad Al-Sabah, told the media on the sidelines of a visit to Al-Sabbiya power station. Al-Sabah said he was assigned by His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Nasser Mohammad Al-Sabah to visit Al-Sabbiya power station to monitor the work being done and remove any obstacles facing development in general.

He said the electricity and water projects were "extremely vital" to honour growing demands by development projects and stressed the importance of addressing any problems providing electricity in Kuwait. Al-Sabbiya power station is expected to be operational in June 2011 following the installment of its gas turbines. The plant consists of six gas reactors, four of which have already arrived in the country.

Al-Sabah said the Ministry of Electricity and Water (MEW) has been implementing qualitative projects in cooperation with the private sector, citing the North Al-Zour power station and upgrading the electricity network from 300 to 400 MW.

Minister of Electricity and Water Bader Al-Shuraiaan, who accompanied Al-Sabah, said Al-Sabbiya power station would generate 1,300 MW next year coupled with 700 MW from other stations. He added that the ministry was keen on having environmental-friendly projects and to minimise gas emissions. He added that the ministry succeeded in benefiting from heat coming out of gas turbines to generate additional power, a method used for the first time in the Gulf region.

The MEW has signed 164 contracts valued at US$7 billion to honour the development plan.