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Sohar 2 and Barka 3 to add more than 1500MW to Oman?s power grid

The two power plants are expected to add over 1500MW power to Omans grid and meet steep power demands in summers. (Image source: TheAlieness GiselaGiardino/Flickr)

Omani power plants Sohar 2 and Barka 3 will soon start commercial operations adding 744MW each to the country?s grid

The operators of Sohar 2 and Barka 3 independent power plants have announced that both facilities have been equipped to meet peak summer demands.

Oman Power and Water Procurement Company (OPWP) will be the sole off-taker of the power sold by both project firms as part of two 15-year power purchase contracts.

Both power firms are owned by a consortium made up of GDF SUEZ with 46 per cent interest, part of Suhail Bahwan Group having a 22 per cent interest, Sojitz Corporation and Shikoku Power with 11 per cent interest each and the Public Authority for Social Insurance having a 10 per cent interest.

Both power sites are gas-fired combined cycle gas turbine plants with an identical 744MW output capacity. Construction on the plants was started in 2010, with a consortium of Siemens and GS Engineering & Construction as EPC contractors.

The sites will now by operated and maintained by Suez-Tractebel Operation and Maintenance Oman LLC.

GDF SUEZ Energy Middle East CEO and president Shankar Krishnamoorthy said, ?For more than 15 years GDF SUEZ has been a reliable supplier of power and water to the people of Oman. This has allowed us to build a strong relationship of trust and respect with the country.?