
EU launches nine clean energy projects in Jordan

The projects are expected to generate more awareness surrounding the benefits of renewable energy generation. (Image source: Maghrebia/Flickr)

The European Union (EU) has launched nine renewable energy and energy efficiency demonstration projects in Jordan, as part of the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Programme

The projects represent the first EU support programme to Jordan?s energy sector, and are expected to aid the country in reducing its rising energy bill.

Energy minister Ibrahim Saif said, ?The series of projects launched today are very important in boosting Jordan?s adoption of renewable energy. The projects will help raise awareness about the importance of renewable energy and increase adoption of clean technology.?

According to EU officials, the projects will work on generating awareness on renewable energy at schools, hospitals, refugee camps and buildings; as well as focus on clean energy generation at these places.

Some of the projects are already in the demonstration phase, added EU officials.

Jordan, which imports nearly 97 per cent of its energy needs, is feeling the need to make the switch to clean energy generation soon. The 75MW Qweira solar power plant is one of the first major renewable energy plants in the region, and government officials are keen to invest in more. Having observed this goal, the EU seeks to cooperate with the Jordanian government to promote clean energy in the country.