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GE to build Egypt?s first utility-scale solar power plant

Egypt is aiming to become the next solar hotspot in the region. (Image source: James Moran/Flickr)

General Electric?s (GE) power conversion has announced to provide a full turnkey solution to FAS Energy to build a 50MW solar power plant for Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company (EETC), a move that is aiming to driving sustainable energy growth in Egypt

Under the partnership, GE will deploy both financing and equipment to the FAS Energy for developing the solar project, said the company. The company will provide 4.4MW solar skids featuring its LV5 1,500-volt solar inverters, aiming to improving the annual energy production and increasing the project revenues.

Made up of solar photovoltaic power plants with a combined capacity of 500 megawatts (MW), the project aims to support Egyptian local economy and protect the environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

In line with the government?s ambitious solar feed-In tariff (FiT) programme, which is the first utility-scale solar project in Egypt, the solar plant is expected to power almost 15,000 local homes after completion.

Lamya Yousef, head of IPP and renewable energy at EETC, said, ?According to the government strategy, Egypt?s new and renewable energy authority had set up a target of generating 20 per cent of its energy from renewable sources by the year 2020, among which solar energy development is a key driver to achieve the goal.?

Commenting on the project, Sabri Asfour, general manager at FAS Energy, said, ?Egypt has abundant solar radiance all year round and developing solar energy makes both social and economic sense. To achieve the government?s renewable target, it requires partners that have strong financing capacity and technology expertise.?

Meanwhile, Azeez Mohammed, president and CEO of GE?s Power Conversion, said that this is GE?s first full turnkey contract to build a solar power plant, noting that the company focus on offering solutions that cover the complete solar energy value chain.