
Kuwait?s oil sector to produce 1.5 GW of PV cells

Renewable energy is set to meet up to 15 per cent of Kuwait?s electricity consumption needs by 2030. (Image source: Carl Attard/Pexels)

Kuwait?s oil sector will produce 1.5 GW of solar cells before the end of 2018, as quoted saying by oil minister and minister of electricity and water Bakheet Al- Rasheedi

According to Al-Anba, Al-Rasheedi said the Ministry of Electricity and Water has formed a committee comprising members from several government agencies including the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences (KFAS), the Kuwait University, the oil sector and others to ensure the target is achieved on schedule.

He added the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) has implemented this vital project in the Shaqaya area. The project has been launched with 10MW wind power and 10MW of solar energy. The third project will be operated by the end of this year.

Al-Rasheedi went on to say the committee has addressed all government agencies to include all renewable energy sources in its future construction projects using solar power as much as possible of the total electricity required for the project.