
Masdar develops organic solar cells

Masdar claims that its organic solar cells will find a lot of usage in more complex solar energy solutions of the future. (Image source: MasdarOfficial/Flickr)

Masdar Institute of Science and Technology has announced that it has fabricated the first bulk of organic solar cell in the UAE

The polymer-based organic photovoltaic solar cells (OPV), equipped with aesthetic characteristics such as colours and design, can be developed with inkjet-printing deposition techniques and printed on flexible substrates.

Masdar has claimed that these prototypes will be highly useful in building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) applications.

Masdar Institute president Fred Moavenzadeh said, ?The achievement of our researchers and faculty consolidates the status of Masdar Institute as a research-driven institution, striving to contribute to the Abu Dhabi?s long-term objectives in advanced technology.

?The support of the country?s leadership has strengthened us to achieve this breakthrough. Our students and faculty will remain focused in their research on clean energy innovations that will ensure the creation of a sustainable knowledge economy in Abu Dhabi.?

Masdar said that the first bulk-heterojunction OPV solar cells fabricated at Masdar Institute will also be part of a new research project on organic photo-detectors. 



Masdar buys printer for printing solar cells