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Technical Glass & Aluminum Company use solar power in Dubai

The implementation of solar panels on the two glass manufacturing facilities will reduce CO2 emissions by approximately 1,200 tonnes annually. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

Dubai Investments, one of the leading investment company listed on the Dubai Financial Market, has strengthened its partnership with TotalEnergies by installing photovoltaic (PV) rooftop systems on its Emirates Glass and Lumiglass Industries facilities in the UAE, promoting the use of solar energy

The implementation of solar panels on the two glass manufacturing facilities will reduce CO2 emissions by approximately 1,200 tonnes annually, equivalent to planting approximately 30,000 trees.  

?Keeping up with the sustainability initiatives of our Group Company Dubai Investments, the Emirates Glass and Lumiglass facilities have played an active part in the company?s clean, green and sustainable initiatives. The Emirates Glass facility has continued to install LED lightings at the factory and office premises and have successfully achieved 100% light replacement at office areas and 70% at the factory. The rooftop solar panel installation at both Emirates Glass and Lumiglass facilities is an extension of the sustainable initiatives and is aimed at reducing the reliance on grid-energy as well energy costs. These solar panels are expected to generate around 2,800MWh of green energy per year from these two locations?, said Rizwanulla Khan, executive president at Emirates Glass LLC and Lumiglass Industries

?TotalEnergies in the Middle East is actively contributing to the development of solar energy in the UAE partially through creating long-term impactful partnerships like the one we have with Dubai Investments,? said Hamady Sy, managing director at TotalEnergies Renewables Distributed Generation Middle East and Africa.

Constructed with approximately 3,000 PV panels, the 1.20MWp solar rooftop system is expected to produce over 1,900 (MWh) annually. The electricity generated by the solar roof top will cover around 19% of Emirates Glass facilities energy needs. 

Earlier this year, another solar PV rooftop was finalised with TotalEnergies for Lumiglass Industries. The 0.55MWp solar rooftop system is made up of more than 1,400 PV panels, covering a surface equivalent to approximately 11 tennis courts. The solar system is expected to produce over 800MWh per year and will cover about 18% of the facility?s energy needs. These projects and partnerships are part of Dubai Investments commitment to adopting modern technology and innovative concepts as part of the Company?s efforts to achieve business excellence and sustainable growth.  

TotalEnergies and renewable electricity 

As part of its ambition to get to net zero by 2050, TotalEnergies is building a portfolio of activities in renewables and electricity. At the end of September 2021, TotalEnergies' gross renewable electricity generation capacity is 10GW. TotalEnergies will continue to expand this business to reach 35GW of gross production capacity from renewable sources by 2025, and then 100GW by 2030 with the objective of being among the world's top five producers of electricity from wind and solar energy.