

Improving the GCC's drainage systems

An industry expert has warned that the Gulf region needs to adapt to future climate change. (Image source: mohamed alwerdany)

Johann Groult, general manager of drainage manufacturer Birco, has stated that the GCC needs to take urgent action to prevent flooding in the region

The GCC region has among the lowest rainfall in the world and while the long-term cost of not having drainage will become an issue as the region?s construction continues to see strong growth. 

?Due to climate change, rainfall with large amounts of precipitation is becoming more frequent around the world,? said Groult.

"While rain is less frequent in the Middle East now, we must ensure that roads and open spaces are equipped with high-capacity channels and large water reservoirs in anticipation of further changes in our climate.?

The company, which took its first order for its contemporary drainage systems in the Gulf region in 2013, will be one among many exhibitors at this year's Big 5.

This year's Big 5 is set to take place from 23-26 November 2015 at Dubai World Trade Centre.

Admission is free for those who register online before 23 November, otherwise an entry fee of AED150 will be payable.