
Experts urge UAE residents and businesses to reduce water consumption this summer

Monitoring the usage of water could improve the water sustainability in the UAE. (Image source: ToptoDown/Shutterstock)

Global experts have recommended that UAE should develop water saving strategies for companies as well as individuals this summer, with the recent statistics by Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) showing that the number of water consumers in the UAE rose by more than 36,000 to 666,430 in 2016

The DEWA report also stated that UAE consumed more than 117,300mn imperial gallons of water in 2016, which was a growth of 3,081mn imperial gallons of both groundwater and desalinated water.

With water consumption rising significantly in past 12 months in the UAE, Danfoss, the global engineering firm, emphasised the need for adopting water saving strategies for the UAE on a high-priority basis to save water and energy within water-supply.

?Water sustainability is an important topic, and educating the region is paramount to achieving behavioural change. If businesses and residents make conscious efforts and small changes to their consumption habits, water sustainability in the UAE would increase dramatically,? said Mads Warming, global director of water and waste-water at Danfoss.

Fady Juez, managing director at Metito, a leading water management solution provider, commented, ?We need to rationalise the consumption of water starting by raising people?s awareness of the facts and the simple, yet positive impacts that we can result from changing usage habits and consumer mindsets.?

Metito advocated the need for engaging in multi-layered conversations with end users and the public for integrated water management solutions in the UAE.

?From the supply side, companies must continue focusing on water recycling and reuse especially in applications such as district cooling, irrigation and other industrial applications,? pointed Juez.

Juez and Warming agreed that adjustment to individual routines with simple techniques like taking shorter shower, minimising AC usage whenever possible, turning taps off and doing less laundry, can result in less water wastage in the UAE throughout the summer.

Warming added, ?The mutual dependence of water and energy and the increasing global demand for each has an enormous impact on economic growth, environmental sustainability and our future.?