
New desalination project in Oman interests 11 international firms

OPWP said the new IWP in Ghubra will be developed as a private sector project by an appropriately qualified developer. (Image source: Teseum/Flickr)

As many as 11 international companies and consortiums have shown interest to participate in the tendering process for the development of a new major independent water project (IWP) in Muscat

According to Muscat Daily, Oman Power and Water Procurement Company (OPWP) is developing the addition of new water desalination capacity of approximately 300,000 cu/m per day to be located at Ghubrah. In February 2018, OPWP had announced the launch of the qualification process for developers through a request for qualification (RFQ) tender for the project.

Last week, OPWP announced that the statements of qualification were received from 11 applicants in response to the RFQ tender.

The companies and consortiums which have submitted their statements of qualifications for the project are ACWA Power; consortium of Cobra Instalaciones Y Servicios, FCC Aqualia and Majis Industrial Service; International Power SA; GS Inima Environment SA; Marubeni Corporation; consortium of Abengoa, Shumookh Investment and Services, Engineering Procurement and Project Management (EPPM), and Al Bashair Investment Co; Sembcorp Utilities Pte Ltd; Sojitz Corporation; SUEZ International; consortium of Sumitomo Corporation and Malakoff International Limited; and consortitum of UTICO FZC, IDB Infrastructure Fund II BSC and United Water Limited.

OPWP said the new IWP in Ghubra will be developed as a private sector project by an appropriately qualified developer. The evaluation of statements of qualifications is currently underway and applicants will be informed of the status of their qualification after process is completed and the necessary approvals are obtained.