

The construction of the sewage plants has been scheduled in various stages depending on different factors including environmental, health, social and economic factors. (Image source: LVEMP II Rwanda/ Flickr)

Oman?s Haya Water has started the work on the master plan to supply 979cu/m of water per day to 4.1mn residents by 2045 

Colour-coded waste bins have been allocated to collect more than 12 different types of recyclable waste including glass, plastic, metal, electrical devices, paper, cartons and bulky waste. (Image source: art9858/Adobe Stock)

The Center of Waste Management ? Abu Dhabi (Tadweer) has opened its first civic amenity for recyclable waste next to Khalidiyah Park in Abu Dhabi in a bid to promote community participation in segregating waste at source

The contract signing between Veolia and Egyptian Electricity Holding Company. (Image Source: Veolia Water Technologies Middle East)

Veolia Water Technologies has been awarded a contract by Egyptian Electricity Holding Company (EEHC) to construct and set up water and wastewater treatment plants for Assiut Supercritical Power Plant and Cairo West Power Plant

The MoU is expected to explore potential areas to develop waste management services in the UAE and Italy. (Image source: Beeah)

Beeah, Middle East?s leading environmental management company, and Ambienthesis SPA, a subsidiary of Italy?s Green Holding Group, have signed a MoU agreement to develop environmental and waste management fields in the Middle East and Europe

A water reservoir, with a capacity of 15,000 gallons, was already covering the water needs of the people in Wadi Ghalila. (Image source: Werner Wilmes/Flickr)

The UAE?s Federal Electricity and Water Authority (FEWA) will build two new water reservoirs with a capacity of 20,000 gallons to meet the needs of the people of Wadi Ghalila in the emirate

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