
GCC concrete demand tops US$49 billion

Saudi Arabia has been projected to require more than US$30.5bn of concrete through 2014 and 2015. (Image source: WTF Formwork)

The demand for concrete across the GCC region will peak at US$49bn over the next two years, according to the organiser of a leading concrete industry event

dmg :: events, the organiser of Dubai's annual Middle East Concrete exhibition, said that the scale of demand for concrete across the region would force the industry to focus on concrete application efficiency.

Saudi Arabia has been leading the projected regional demand, with more than US$30.5bn of concrete forecast to be required through 2014 and 2015, while the UAE would require close to US$4bn.

"The GCC construction sector as a whole shows no signs of slowing down over the coming years; demand for concrete will follow a similar path, with Qatar and Kuwait also representing big business for the sector," read a statement from the events company.

The next edition of Middle East Concrete will take place from 25-28 November alongside The Big 5 at Dubai World Trade Centre and will incorporate the International Concrete Sustainability Conference.

Middle East Concrete event director Nathan Waugh said, "Now in its third year, Middle East Concrete continues to respond to visitor demand by expanding its educational programme.

"More companies than ever are coming forward to present their own findings and research on best practice solutions for a variety of issues including sustainability, maintenance and new technologies."

With such a high demand for concrete forecast within the GCC, the industry has been advised to stay ahead of trends within the concrete sector by ensuring that concrete is more energy and cost efficient, while continuing to work on further understanding its role in advancing concrete technologies innovation and sustainable building practices.

Laith Haboubi, commercial director for the Middle East and India at Grace Construction Products, said, ?Middle East Concrete provides a perfect platform to share and showcase advances in concrete technology to the region?s concrete stakeholders, such as engineers and architects, many of whom may not have had the opportunity previously to have experience with such systems as macro-fibre reinforcement and the latest in pre-applied waterproofing systems."