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Pangaea CEO, Jadd Elliot. (Image source: Pangaea)

The United Arab Emirates (UAE), the host of COP28 2023, is renowned for its astounding urban development projects, where cities like Dubai and Abu Dhabi continuously push the boundaries of avant-gardism and innovation 

Wajdi Marroun, managing director of Versatile International.

Versatile International is a stone consultant and procurement specialist. The company worked with the Diriyah Gate Development Authority in Saudi Arabia, and provided support in facilitating the opening of Ministry-approved Riyadh Limestone Quarries to provide material to the development as well as overseeing the procurement and installation of more than 700,000 sq m of natural stone for the project’s public areas. Wajdi Marroun, managing director of Versatile, spoke to Technical Review Middle East about the company's business operations. Read on: 

The company has developed eco-friendly micro-concrete formulations to minimise carbon emmissions. (Image source: 3DXB)

3D printing company, 3DXB, has reaffirmed its position on promoting sustainability and eco-friendly practices in its operations across the UAE

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