

V?GELEs Premium and Classic Lines are further divided into up to five different classes: the Mini Class, Compact Class, Universal Class, Highway Class and Special Class. (Image source: Joseph V?gele AG)

Germany-based global provider for road pavers V?GELE AG is restructuring their extensive range of road pavers and screeds

The proposed new causeway aims to reduce traffic pressure on the current causeway. (Image source: Free-Photos/Pixabay)

Bahrain will issue the tenders end of October for consultancy services to manage the transition phase of King Hamad Causeway, a proposed causeway linking the country with Saudi Arabia

Smart4Power was one of the first companies accredited as ESCO. (Image source: BASF/Flickr)

French energy and services group ENGIE has acquired a significant stake of Smart4Power joining Dubai-based engineering and contracting company ALEC as the major shareholders of the company

The highway is one of the longest in the Middle East that passes through one of the harshest, extreme climate in the world, overcoming extreme logistical challenges and achieving demanding service requirements to reach Saudi Arabia?s ambitious infrastructure development programme, according to a report. (Image source: Carsten ten Brink/Flickr)

Oman and Saudi Arabia are working hard to complete the work on the first-ever direct land link between the two neighbouring countries by the end of this year, said a report

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