

The UAE scored highest among the 30 countries on measures of change readiness for technology infrastructure and mobile data speeds under the infrastructure pillar. (Image source: Abdurashidbey/Pixabay)

The UAE ranks among the top 10 countries in the world for the third consecutive year when it comes to readiness to accommodate driverless vehicles, according to KPMG?s 2020 Autonomous Vehicles Readiness Index (AVRI)

The software-defined architecture will be built on NVIDIA DRIVETM and will be standard in Mercedes-Benz? next-generation fleet, enabling state-of-the-art automated driving functionalities. (Image source: Mercedes-Benz)

Mercedes-Benz and NVIDIA have collaborated to create an in-vehicle computing system and AI computing infrastructure in the automobile sector

Once the proposals are evaluated, the winning startups will be invited to present their projects to an audience made up of leaders from across the port and logistics industry. (Image source: Gulftainer)

Gulftainer has partnered with the Global Silicon Valley labs (GSVlabs) to engage startups in five unique areas of opportunity including the Internet of Things and Robo-Doctors; artificial intelligence and autonomous drones; big data and advanced analytics; blockchain and Bring Your Own Idea

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