
Emicool to build water cooling plant in Dubai

The project would consist of a 7,300 TR chilled water-cooling plant with centrifugal chillers. (Image source: DBKFrog/Flickr)

Hospitality company Enshaa PSC has awarded a contract to Emirates District Cooling (Emicool) LLC to design, build, finance and operate a plant that would supply chilled water for air-conditioning systems in Dubai

Emicool said that the plant would use treated sewerage effluent (TSE) for its cooling towers, saving potable drinking water and ensuring energy efficiency.

The cooled water will be supplied to the Palazzo Versace Dubai Hotel and Condominiums, and the D1 Tower in Dubai.

Raza Jafar, CEO of Enshaa PSC, said, ?This contract represents a major step forward in the implementation of sustainable chilled water facilities for the Palazzo Versace Dubai and D1 Tower, ensuring a secure and competitive source of chilled water. The implementation of this agreement is yet another step forward towards Enshaa PSC?s drive for maximising efficiency in all our developments.?

Emicool authorities said that the project would consist of a 7,300 ton of refrigeration (TR) chilled water-district cooling plant comprising centrifugal chillers, with total cooling capacity of 5,800 TR. There would also be a 1,500 TR thermal energy storage unit, energy transfer stations and a chilled water network.

The chilled water thermal storage will help obtain maximum energy efficiency at peak load demands, lowering costs and resulting in a potentially substantial fall in carbon dioxide emissions, the company added.