
Soltec: an innovation leader aiming to carve a new niche in Middle East

The Middle East has a considerable geographical advantage in the solar PV market. (Image source: Soltec)

Photovoltaic energy, the cheapest renewable source, is largely untapped in the Middle East, a world region which intends to lead the way in renewable energy through its significant solar radiation capacity 

The International Energy Agency considers photovoltaic energy the cheapest energy source, whereas Benjamin Attia, expert energy analyst of Wood Mackenzie, thinks ?solar energy is the cheapest kilowatt/hour in the Middle East.? According to this consultancy firm, the Middle East intends to be at the forefront of renewable energies and to generate thousands of megawatts from new solar plants before 2025.

The Middle East has a considerable geographical advantage, as it is located in a world region with a high solar radiation index and has much unlivable land on which large photovoltaic plants could be erected. Thus, international companies have turned their attention towards this region, Soltec among them. 

Soltec, specialising in vertically integrated solutions for the photovoltaic solar energy industry, is a Spanish company created 18 years ago by its CEO, Ra?l Morales. Innovation has always been the cornerstone of this company, which is now an expert in photovoltaic trackers, offers the best products on the marketplace, and operates in 16 countries worldwide. 

Ever since Soltec started construction in 2017 of a 16.5MW solar plant in Al Zumeilah, 50km south of Jordan?s capital Amman, the company has continued to focus on the Middle East. In that sense, Soltec's SFOne tracker, launched onto the marketplace in 2021, features the Dy-Wind technology, the most advanced methodology for design of wind structures, as well as the Diffuse Booster system for optimisation under poor lighting conditions. This 1P-array tracker with two rows connected to a single tube, is adaptable to multiple climate and terrain characteristics. 

As explained by members of the Fraunhofer Institute, ?Solar technology, especially in the Middle East and Northern Africa, is quite promising.? Soltec's commitment to this technology, as well as to solar energy and the region, remains strong.

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