

Genoil Emirates obtains license to operate in UAE

Genoil Emirates has obtained a license to provide pollution and environmental protection services in the UAE and has been added to the Commercial Register in Dubai

The jointly-owned corporation between SBK Holding LLC and Canada?s Genoil, will commence its rollout in the UAE using Genoil's technologies, including the GHU hydro-conversion system, the crystal oily water separators, the ports cleaning solutions, waste water management, Genoil fish farm cleaning technology and sand cleaning for oil contaminated beaches.

Genoil will also market these technologies throughout the Middle East and other countries.

SBK Holding Board chairman Dr Sheikh Sultan bin Khalifa said in a statement, ?We are pleased that Genoil Emirates has received its license to operate in the UAE and we are hopeful that Genoil?s technology will spread across the region and help preserve and improve the quality of our natural resources and further protect our environment for generations to come.?