
Middle East construction going green

Three regional councils promoting sustainable urban structural environment have agreed to form the Middle East Green Building Councils Network.

The decision was announced by the Qatar Green Building Council (QGBC) following a meeting with representatives from Emirates and Jordan green building councils. The planned forum will provide a platform to professionals engaged in designing and constructing environment-friendly buildings, reports Global Arab Network.

Its aims are to initiate dialogue between regional councils, promote and support the setting up of new GBCs in the Middle East and present a coherent view of the region at the World Green Building Council (WGBC).The Middle East Green Building Councils Network will be led by the Emirates Green Building Council (EGBC).

?This agreement represents a major milestone for co-operation among all Green Building Councils in the Middle East. These councils will work together to make it succeed and serve the overall objective of protecting our environment,? said Dr Sadek Owainati, one of the founders of EGBC.

Qatar and Jordan council are affiliated with the WGBC as ?Prospective Council? along with Saudi Arabia, Palestine, and Morocco councils. Other councils being established in the region include Egypt, Syria, Oman and Lebanon.

?Acting in a responsible way towards the environment is not an option anymore,? said Issa Al Mohannadi. ?Green buildings is just one way to be a part of this responsibility. I am happy to see the co-operation between our councils to promote and spread this common responsibility.?

The green councils in the Middle East will co-ordinate exchange of policies, information, training sessions, technical issues, collaborate on research, organise joint awareness campaigns, organised networking and hold joint annual conferences.